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Physical Exams

Physical Exams services in Las Vegas, NV

Physical Exams

Physical Exams services offered in Las Vegas, NV

Attending routine physical exams is vital to staying healthy and detecting health issues before they turn severe. At Humanitas Primary Care, Esteban Hennings, MD, in Las Vegas, Nevada, you get exceptional primary care services from Dr. Hennings, including annual physical exams, immigration physicals, work physicals, or sports physicals. Schedule a physical exam by phone or request one online today.

Physical Exams Q & A

What is a physical exam?

A physical exam at Humanitas Primary Care, Esteban Hennings, MD, is a medical evaluation that allows your specialist to screen for and treat health issues you may experience. Sports teams, schools, your job, or the U.S. government for immigration purposes may require a physical exam. Rely on Humanitas Primary Care, Esteban Hennings, MD, to meet any physical exam requirements.

What happens during annual physical exams?

Annual physical exams at Humanitas Primary Care often include the following components:

Medical history review
Your provider completes a medical history review by asking about your symptoms, history of medical issues, family history of diseases, medications, and lifestyle habits. 

Vital signs check and weigh-in
Your specialist checks your blood pressure and other vital signs. They also weigh you and calculate your body mass index (BMI) to assess chronic disease risk factors.

Medical evaluation
During a medical evaluation, Dr. Hennings screens for signs of medical concerns. He examines your ears, eyes, breathing, throat, heartbeat, reflexes, limbs, and other areas of your body.

Health screenings
Based on your risk factors, health screenings you may be a candidate for include cholesterol screenings, sexually transmitted disease (STD) screenings, heart function tests, blood tests, asthma testing, dementia screenings, mental health screenings, or additional tests.

Humanitas Primary Care also offers vision and hearing screenings.

If you have a medical condition requiring treatment, Dr. Hennings might suggest medications, injury care, lifestyle changes, or vaccinations. 

What happens during a sports, school, work, or immigration physical?

Sports, school, work, and immigration physicals are slightly different from annual exams. The medical exam requirements vary based on the type of physical you need. Vaccinations, vision screenings, hearing screenings, or drug tests may be required when completing immigration, work, school, or sports physicals.

If you need a completed immigration, work, sports, or school physical exam form, Humanitas Primary Care offers this service. You can also request an extra copy to keep for your records. 

When should I schedule physical exams?

Schedule physical exams whenever necessary for your job, sports, school, or to receive a United States Green Card or citizenship. Completing physical exams annually, even if you don’t require a physical and feel in good health, is an excellent way to maintain superior health and wellness and avoid chronic diseases. 

Bring with you an insurance card, photo identification, form of payment, list of medications, and contacts, glasses, or hearing aids if you use them. 

Schedule physical exams at Humanitas Primary Care, Esteban Hennings, MD, by phone or request one online today.